YourHPcoach - Hubert Pilloud - Executive Coach

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Do you ask yourself this question… When will this damn pandemic end? I am exhausted; done with it! I cannot take it anymore…

Does it sound familiar? Have you heard people sharing these same thoughts? That is normal. We all want some security and more certainty in our future. Living in this state is exhausting and sometimes we struggle to stay strong.

This month, I was supposed to be in Africa teaching a leadership course to youth. Because of the pandemic, everything was canceled. I decided to continue moving forward and created an online course. I spent the last three months creating workbooks, worksheets and videos. I pushed really hard and worked long hours. Now, I am entering the second phase which is giving the African youth access to the course. How I will do that? I don’t know yet, but I will find a way. People around me often ask how I can be so dedicated and stay so strong. They are no secret weapons; I just use the same tactics I put in place every day that have kept me strong. I will share with you the five most important principles that keep me motivated to keep going. I hope they will help you to succeed and keep moving forward with boldness and grace.


If you want to get closer to your goal or your dream, you need to take a step forward every day, even if it is a micro step. The best way to do that is to make a plan for every month, week and day. Sit down 10 to 15 minutes every day planning your activities and prioritize them. Personally, the evening before, I plan what I want to do the next day and in the morning I visualize them in the order that they will appear during the day. I visualize the outcome I want. This process is powerful. If you do this consistently, after a few weeks you will see your progress. It will boost your motivation to continue moving forward.


First, what is the difference between a habit and a routine? A habit is something you have built with time that happens automatically. Habits are often based on a cue or a trigger. On the other hand, a routine needs more intention. It is more deliberate. A routine requires action; for example, going to the gym or meditating every day.

I have had days where I was tired and not motivated. To bypass this feeling, I first kept going with my agenda and kept my habits and routines in place. If you exercise one hour every day, keep doing it. If you like to read every day, keep this routine. Don’t sacrifice your healthy habits or routines just because you don’t feel like it.


During this pandemic, I have spent many hours in front of a computer or a camera. I am sure many of you have done the same. Often, I feel more tired at the end of the day than I ever did before the pandemic. So I am honoring my feelings. Therefore it is not unusual for me to go in bed at 8 pm and sleep for 9 hours. My body needs it. I would also take a 20 minutes power na most afternoons. If you do that, it will increase your alertness and focus.


I think, in a previous life, I might have been a rabbit. I love to eat greens, either salads or green vegetables. I am addicted to lettuce and kale. Now you know it! So eat your healthy green vegetables and drink a lot of water. When I do my kale smoothies, I add organic, plant based protein. If you feel tired and not motivated to cook, don’t push the frozen pizza in the oven or cook the pasta and eat them during the next two days. Pay attention to your nutrients. Water is super important. Try to limit your intake of caffeine after the middle of the morning and replace it with water. You will feel the difference. You will have a more sustainable level of energy. Drink more water my friend!


During this pandemic, I have at times skipped the exercise part of the day because I wanted to finish shooting a video. That was a mistake. I didn’t sleep well, I had headaches, and I felt more tired the next day. Make sure you keep your habits and routines. Your body needs to move every day. It could be an intense sport activity or just a walk. Keep moving. It is important. Take many beaks during the day where you go for a quick walk, or just stretch. Rest your eyes by closing them for a few minutes (especially if you are in front of a screen or camera all day). Taking a short 5 to 10 minute break every hour is the best way to stay strong during the day.

Final words

These principles or tactics are not complicated, right? The key to staying strong and motivated is to be consistent in your habits and routines. You need to use these principles every day. If you don’t have any of them in place, don’t start right away with all of them, but pick one and do it for a few days or weeks; then add another one. Build up slowly. Give your body and mind a chance to adapt and get stronger for the long run. Try it, my friend, and you will see the difference within a few days. You will stay strong!

P.S.: Hey guys, Hubert here!

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