Intentions vs Resolutions

New year RESOLUTION. But wait, is it really a RESOLUTION we should set? or maybe more an INTENTION. This two terms can sound similar but they are in reality very different. RESOLUTIONS are mostly generated by the mind. We are going to be talking about how to keep the momentum going to be able to accomplish your goals and resolutions.

INTENTION takes its root on another level, deeper inside us. It is created at the Source, our Soul, our True-Self. It is the one we bound with because we create an emotional connection. If you plan to do your vision board with your friends and family., reflect first on these two terms, feel it and see the difference.

A3 : Attention - Affection - Action

Any area you decide to improve in your New Year intention need to have three components attached to it. Motivation and desire are great, but not enough. I will share with my A3: method: ATTENTION, AFFECTION AND ACTION. It will all help you keep the momentum all year long and really fulfilled your intention with joy and enthusiasm.


How much focus, active presence and energy are you giving to the area you want to improve? Too much or not enough (which is often the case) will slow down your progression which might lead to giving up something you really wanted to improve. Three little tricks that can serve you:

  • Plan and write it in your agenda. What ever you decided to improve, you need to reserve time for it. You want to get more energized and exercise, schedule it in your day and follow through. That way you won’t let your mind tell you “I didn’t have time today... will do it tomorrow”.

  • Set up “triggers” in your day that will make do what you intended to do. For example, if you want to be more present when you meet people, every time you give a hug or shake hand, think of the word “presence”. Other triggers could be setting an alarm on your phone or every time you stand up, open a door or anything physical and visual will help you.

  • Create an habits. Focus an creating a routine. If you decided to go to the gym, plan it in a way that it is consistent during weeks and months. This way you will create an habit that will serve you every day.


Think about affection as emotion. You need to create an emotional bound, feelings with your intention. Below three simple tricks:

  • Don’t do it alone. Try to involve others in what you want to improve. Not only they will motivate you but you will to them. Imagine your feeling when you really help someone to achieve the same goal you have…

  • Vision it, feel it. Before you start, vision your future Self and embody the feeling. It will energize and motivate you to be more engage.

  • Ripple effect. Think what ever you do, how much impact, influence or inspiration you can provide to other people around you. If you feel more energized, wouldn’t your family, friends or co-worker feel it? People around you will benefit from your progress, just watch…


Without action, no reaction, meaning nor progress, no improvement. Simple physics. Let’s get three ideas to get and keep you in action:

  • Small steps. Plan to improve your area of focus with step that are just big enough to stretch you out your comfort zone but small enough to be achievable. Too big of step will challenge your motivation in the long run. Plan on small “wins”. They will add up!

  • Track your progress. There many apps or tools you can use to track

  • your progress. A simple piece of paper and a pen will do it. Tracking your progress allows you to be aware where you are and where you want to go. If you really give your attention, affection and action, you will see progress. That will motivate you to go further, higher and deeper in your intention.

  • Be accountable. Get around people that keep you accountable for what you want to achieve. They will literally help you to progress and achieve your goal faster.

Final words - Keep The Momentum Going

We just started a new decade. This decade is our decade. Make it the best decade ever. Reflect where you were in January 2001 and where you were in December 2019. How much transformation... Let’s make this decade a turning point in your personal development.

Double down your expectation. Be bold. Let’s work together, let’s progress Humanity, let’s make this moment, this life on earth matter. Let’s have an impact. You and I, together, we can make a change. Let’s serve, inspire and transform people, community and businesses. This decade is our decade!

P.S. Hey guys, Hubert here!

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