Over the past few months, I have been working on a new project which is part of one of my lifetime goals. Obviously, I want it to be a great success, and so to maximize my potential and manifest this success I looked back on some of my major achievements in the past. I focused on three achievements that were, according to others, impossible for me to reach. I reflected on how my mindset was in those moments and the actions I made that made these achievements happen.


1. Becoming a fighter pilot. I defied the odds. I was not good at school, didn’t practice sports, didn’t speak German, I was dyslexic, and I had to compete against 3,000 other applicants to become one of the 6 fighter pilots that the Swiss Air Force needed. I made it.

2. Completing 3 Ironman races. I wasn’t raised doing sports. My family didn’t care much about physical activity and/or team sports. It was only later in my life that I started to exercise regularly (around 40 years old). I decided to aim high and compete in one of the most difficult races: an Ironman. I began with normal triathlons and marathons. Then I stepped up my game and completed three Ironmans (Tempe AZ, Sonoma CA, St-George UT).

3. Getting my Greencard. When my diplomatic status in the United States was coming to an end I had only one option to become a full-time resident there. It was a complicated case with quite some risk. I officially left my birth country (Switzerland) on December 31st 2017, without knowing if my green card would be approved (it was in the process and had to wait). On May 14th 2018, I had my final immigration interview and got my green card.


What were the common key steps that I took in completing these three events and how was I able to manifest them? When I reflected on these achievements it basically distilled down to 4 steps. Four critical elements that are important for manifesting anything in life. Steps one, three, and four are pretty much covered by any books, articles, podcasts, or videos you can find about manifestation or the Law of Attraction. It is step two that not many people talk about. However, in my opinion, it is the most important. It is the step that, if executed well, I will have the result that I want. Every time I skipped it or didn’t pay enough attention and/or focus to the step, I didn’t manifest what I wanted (or only partially). I will share with you these four steps and I will add at the end another secret (my treat today!) about how to set yourself up for success by asking the right questions.


Step 1: Vision

The vision is the starting point for any idea or goal that you want to achieve, personally or professionally. For companies, the vision is the strategic plan for success. It is their North star. It defines the overall purpose of the company’s mission. It helps with making decisions, motivating the troops, keeping the talented people, and defining the culture within the company. Personally, having clarity about what we want to achieve in life is essential if we want to create a clear path from where we are to where we want to be. Many people have an idea about the future they want, but they don’t spend time clarifying their vision. So, what can you do to gain better clarity? I will share with you three simple tips to create your vision:

1. Vision box/board. Many people create a vision board. It is a fun activity, especially when you do it with friends. It creates a visual representation of your dreams, but often, after a few months, these vision boards end up under the bed or behind the toilet door. There is a more successful way. Make a vision box. You can purchase a wooden box at your local craft store or online for a few dollars. Decorate the whole box and then place the box somewhere where you will see it and use it every day. This might be on your desk holding your pens or business cards. It could be a box where you connect all your electronic devices for charging. You might use it as a vanity to store your makeup products or creams. Make sure that you will use what you have in the box every day.

2. Write it down and voice it. Keeping your visions just in your head is not enough. The best way to bring more consciousness to your vision is to visualize it (using the vision box), write it down, and say it out loud. I personally write it down every morning. I want to make sure that I never forget my North Star. Then I repeat it three times out loud. Seeing it, writing it, and hearing it is very important for your brain. It is the best way to anchor your vision and trigger what you need for next step!

3. Reflect/redefine periodically. Things will evolve over time. What you envisioned 6 months ago may now look different. You may have more insight and clarity. It is important to reflect upon your current position compared to your vision. I personally do this every week. I make sure that I am on track toward my vision and if necessary, I update my statement or my vision box. I don’t create a new one every year, I simply redefine it. I might add something new or remove something that I have achieved or that isn’t relevant for that season in life anymore. Meditation is a great way to reflect and adjust. My favorite type of meditation is walking on the beach during the sunset. Being in nature is not only good for your health but brings you new perspectives, and a better understanding of the big picture in life. Try it!


Step 2: Feel it

“The One Secret Nobody Told You About Manifestation”: FEEL IT! The most important element that helped me to manifest the three major achievements I mentioned above was how deeply I felt it in my body. I was not aware at the time but I was so desperate to succeed that only positive thoughts were running through my mind. I didn’t let fear or doubt interfere with my thoughts and/or vision. I locked into what I wanted to achieve and worked toward it. When I was picturing myself flying a fighter jet, finishing an ironman race, or getting my Greencard, I could feel it in my entire body. As I am writing these words, I can feel goosebumps throughout my body, and I am smiling. Having a vision is not enough. You need to feel it in every cell of your body. You need to dig deep within yourself and trigger the feeling in your body that you are already doing what you envision. You must feed every cell of your body and your unconscious mind with the feeling that you have already accomplished your goal.

Why is it so important? Your mind, particularly your unconscious, cannot tell the difference between a feeling created by a thought or by an event in real life. If I think about winning the lottery or really win the lottery (we can all dream, right 😊) my unconscious mind believes both cases. So, why do you want to feel it in every cell of your body? There are different theories about where the “unconscious mind” is located. It is difficult to observe and detect it because we cannot reach it with the conscious mind. One of the theories that I really like is that the deep unconscious mind, which holds habits and the conditioning that dictates our actions and behaviors, is found in every cell in our body. The more scientists investigate this topic, the more they discover that our unconscious mind and behaviors can be located throughout the body. This understanding helps different modes of therapy like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or therapies using movement (Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT)). Yoga is a powerful tool to eliminate some blockages in the body. Similarly, meditation focuses on bodily sensations whilst breathwork, like Vipassana meditation, focuses on tapping into the unconscious part of the mind to eradicate the conditioning that does not serve us anymore to replace it with better examples. I have written two blogs about these topics if you are interested. You can click the links below:

Many scholars, doctors, researchers, and professors agree with this theory. Dr. Joe Dispenza is a leader in this field. If you never heard about him, look him up and watch his videos, read his books, or go to his events. He is the master (in my humble point of view) of linking science to the power of the mind by manifesting what we want in life. My two favorite books by him are “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” and “Becoming Supernatural. How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon.”

If I look back to some of my dreams that didn’t come to fruition, it was not because of a lack of clarity in my vision or lack of action. It was the lack of “feeling it” deeply in every cell of my body.

Now how can you practice the “feeling it”. It is not easy. It takes time, concentration, and focus. Here are three ideas:

1. Meditation. Use the modality that suits you the best, a walking or seated meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Then, pay attention to your bodily sensations in that moment. The idea is to prime your mind and focus inward. After a few minutes, picture yourself doing whatever it is you want to manifest. Look at every detail in this picture. Don’t hesitate to move your head with your eyes open (if you’re walking) or closed (if you are seated). Focus on your body. Feel the tingling, and the goosebumps. Maybe a smile is coming to your face. Maybe your heartbeat accelerates, or you feel your pulse. Keep going until you are feeling it throughout your body. It is a simple technique but not easy to implement. It will take time. Be patient with yourself.

2. Sharing your vision. Get together with your best friend(s). When I say your best friend(s), I mean your true friends who only want the best for you. Plan a dinner, a walk, or an adventure in nature like camping or hiking. Find a place where you can connect deeply without being interrupted. Each of your friends will share their vision. The mission of the people listening is threefold:

  1. Only listen (do not interrupt and inject your own dreams or personal views)

  2. Cheer the person up. You can only bring the positive out of it, no negative thoughts, or comments

  3. Ask questions that will amplify the dream of the person. Ask for details about what they see in their vision. Help the person to feel and identify more of what they dream about or what they want to manifest in life.

3. Taking a small step. I am learning to dance salsa. Why? Because I am a bad dancer and I want to challenge myself to become a decent one. My vision is to participate in a salsa dance competition before the end of 2023. I take dance lessons and I love it. During the dance lessons, (or when I practice in the kitchen whilst cooking 😊) I picture myself dancing with a partner on a dance floor in front of a jury. I dance and see myself in a competition. I take a small step toward what I want to manifest. If you want to manifest living in a big house, next time you enter one, take a few seconds and feel yourself living in it. This exercise will teach the body (and the unconscious) that you already have it.

Feeling it is the most important step. By doing this, you elevate your energy and the frequency to match with what you want to manifest. You need to be on a harmonic level with what you want to achieve or reach. There is no other way. This is the law of nature.


Step 3: Allow it

This step is the second most difficult to do after step 2. If you are an impatient person like I am, you want the things to manifest now. You have clarity in your vision, you feel it, but nothing is happening. Why? Because you are impatient 😊 You don’t create space and time for the Universe to provide for you. As human beings, we work on a timeline that we have defined. The Universe does not have the same. We must respect that fact.

It is interesting to notice our behaviors when we really want something. I remember when I was looking to buy a new house. I knew exactly what I wanted; I could feel it. But nothing happened. Then the COVID years arrived and the price of real estate surged. What I did wrong was that I was looking so hard that I kept my vision in a tunnel. I behaved like a hunting dog with his nose down sniffing around to find the scent of a deer that I passed by at many opportunities. Another metaphor that comes to mind is acting like a horse wearing blinders. I didn’t allow the Universe to provide for me. I didn’t give him any chance to reach me. I wrote a blog about the act of allowing. You may find it interesting.

So, the question now is how to allow it without falling into the trap of being lazy or a fantasy dreamer. Here are three ideas for you:

1. Slow down. Instead of driving around fast scouting for houses, why not walk? Instead of running like a hunting dog, why not pace yourself? As I said, the Universe has another timeline than ours. If you want to intercept the timeline of the Universe, you have two choices, to accelerate or slow down. Accelerating will probably lead to missing more opportunities, so slowing down is the best option. Imagine yourself walking to your job and crossing the same intersection. Let’s say that the Universe is ready to provide you with the dream partner that you asked for. It will be at this intersection (a metaphor for your timeline crossing the Universe’s timeline). Do you want to run through it head down or do you want to slow down to make sure you see your dream partner? Think about it and reflect on what is your normal behavior in life. Do you rush all the time or do you pay attention to the present moment?

2. Keep your head up, observe. After you slow down, pay attention to details and signs. If I use the same metaphor mentioned above, pay attention at the intersection. Observe. Instead of looking down a few feet ahead of yourself, bring your chin up and look around (but don’t trip 😊). Look around. You will find information that will guide you easily to manifest your dream or you may find cues to elaborate and gain more clarity for your vision. One exercise for you: next time you hike in nature (or walk in the city), pay attention to where your gaze is. Are you looking down or looking up and around? I personally noticed that when I am stressed and something is bothering me, I look down. When I am at peace, happy, and centered, my chin is up, and I enjoy my surroundings. Notice where you look next time you hike or walk.

3. Follow your gut feeling, your intuition. Have you ever felt a force within or a voice telling you to not do something or change your plan without any rational decision? Maybe you always take the same road to go to work, but one day, you decided to take another one. Later you find out that there was a big accident, and that the traffic was stuck for hours. Has that happened to you? We have all heard stories about people not embarking on a flight for no specific reason before finding out later that the aircraft had crashed. Following your intuition is good but how to differentiate it from the voice in your head (I call him the mini-me) that always challenges everything you think and creates confusion and/or doubt? Your intuition or gut feeling comes from your heart or your gut. You feel it deep inside. Your body (the cells) will react and/or your breath pattern changes. Another sensation will appear. Any sensation. That is the intuition (that is in your unconscious mind) that wants you to pay attention. The mini-me voice stays in your mind. There is no bodily sensation or change in breath. The more you become in tune with your feelings and bodily sensation, the more clarity you will gain in identifying who is speaking; your intuition or your mini-me.


Step 4: Action

You have clarity in your vision, you are feeling it deeply and now you decide to allow it by sitting on your sofa and waiting for the Universe to provide it to you. I am sorry to disappoint you but nothing is really going to happen. Nobody is going to ring at your door either. You may laugh… but do you know how many people behave that way? They think that the law of attraction is about visioning and letting the Universe provide for them. When it is the right time and the right place the Universe will manifest it. In a sense, yes, but without some action on your side, nothing is going to happen. If you want to win the lottery, you must buy a ticket. If you want to buy a new house, you must go out and look actively for one. If you want to become a doctor or a teacher, you need to learn the skills to be one. Action is what creates momentum in the direction that you want to go. It does not need to be a big action. Many small actions executed purposefully will keep the wheels turning toward what you want to achieve. If you want to find your dream partner, you need to get out. Walk to this intersection! You may find your dream partner online (which is an action) but in the end, you will have to meet. That is another action. So, what are the three key elements when taking action:

1. Action plan/Incremental step. The key to keep momentum going for manifestation is to act. The best way to act is by taking small incremental steps and breaking down the “big” action into successive small actions. Breaking it down into smaller steps makes it easy to make and see progress along the way. Make plans, schedule your actions if needed, and keep them going. After a while, you will see progress.

2. Consistency and congruency. It is important to act with consistency. One action and then nothing will not give the results you are expecting. Be consistent in your efforts to manifest your dream. Congruency is another aspect to consider. Every action should be aiming toward the same purpose, the same goal. If you want to manifest your dream job, for example becoming a doctor, you cannot take action by aiming for another profession. Your incremental action needs to be congruent toward the same goal.

3. Evaluate what you feel. Manifestation is a long-term process. Don’t expect results overnight.  During the process, take time to reflect and evaluate where you stand in relation to what you want to manifest. Maybe, you gain more clarity about what you really want. Things may have changed or become more defined. When you pause and evaluate yourself and your life, focus on the feeling you are having. Pay attention to the bodily sensation. Are they pleasant ones or not? Do you notice changes in your surrounding or how people engage with you? Take a holistic approach to evaluating where you are in your life by checking in with yourself.


Final words

I was blessed a few years ago to drive to a meditation retreat with an Indian philosopher. We talked about life, karma, reincarnation, Hinduism, Buddhism, meditation, and many other things. One of the topics was how to manifest things in life and how to influence our karma. She shared something that I will never forget and that is the last secret that I want to share with you. When you want something, don’t ask for it directly. The secret to having what you desire is to ask for the quality to have it. If you want a nice house, a new car, a new career, or a partner, ask and work (take action) toward gaining the qualities to have these things in your life. It is much more powerful. If you ask for the object only, what will you do when you have it? What do you do if you lose it? Can you reproduce it again and again? Probably not. But if you gain the quality, this is something that you own within yourself. Nobody can take that away. You will be able to tap into it again and re-create or re-manifest it when needed.

Clarity in your vision, feeling it, allowing it, and taking action are the four basic steps of manifestation. If you are an impatient person like I am (I am working on it!) then steps two and three are a challenge. Yes, you can manifest what you want with the right chain of thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Stay consistent and congruent. Don’t give up. If you feel demotivated, just pause, observe for a while, be in the “allowing moment” and a sign will come which will help you to define the next step. Be patient and trust. It will come!

- Hubert

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