YourHPcoach - Hubert Pilloud - Executive Coach

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What is so different between the North Star and the other stars. We all heard about the North Star when we were at school. Then, we learned the metaphor of the North Star… having a North Star in our life that guides us in our journey. But, why don’t we use another star? Why this one?

The North Star, also called Polaris, is the star located very close above the North Pole, which is the axis of the earth’ rotation. When you watch the North Star, it does not move in the sky because it is over the earth axis (or move in a very small circle around the axis). All of the other stars in the Northern Hemisphere rotate around the axis in a wider circle which makes it very difficult to use as a navigation point. The North Star is like the point in the sky which almost never moves despite the rotation of the earth. That is why we use the metaphor of having a North Star in our life, a star that does not move despite life changes, struggles, and challenges.

Now, why is it important to have a North Star and how can you define it? I will give you a few tips on how to find your North Star and how I have personally defined mine.

Why have a North Star in your life?

Life has its ups and downs. When everything goes well, we don’t care much about the North Star. Everything works as planned. But what happens when the waves start to be bigger when stormy weather is coming in? How can you deal with difficulties and challenges? How can you stay hopeful that better days will come? The simple answer is to look at your North Star. It will make you remember why you left the safety of the coastline and took the risk to navigate through an unknown ocean toward a new destiny, a new land. Personally, for me, the North Star is not singular; it is not one specific thing but more a concept that contains different aspects on how I want to conduct my life. I will share with you how I have defined my North Star and maybe it will spark an idea for you or maybe help you to redefine your existing North Star.


When I look up at night, I see in my North Star the set of values that guide my life. When I coach youth, it is the first task I give them, I want them to reflect and have a set of values they can live by. For me, they are integrity, honesty, responsibility, accountability, loyalty, trusting, kindness compassion, love, caring, generosity, and being of service. Values are very important, especially when facing tough decisions or challenging times. They will always guide you to make the wisest decisions. They are priceless. Unfortunately, too many people overlook them.


Many people will say that their North Star is their mission statement or vision. I personally think that is too limiting. The North Star is bigger than that. It should be for the purpose of helping you be who you want to become; the reason for your contribution in this world, present and future; the place where you want to be in your life.

Purpose is not singular. It helps to have different purposes for different roles and activities in your life. The purpose of being a parent is different than the purpose of being a manager at work.

In your life, your purpose will evolve. As a parent, your purpose will change between the time you were taking care of a baby until you have grown kids who have their own family. Don’t be afraid, from time to time, to revisit your purpose. These things change and adaptivity is key.

Now, if you don’t know what your purpose is, I will suggest that you take some time off during the day or the weekend and meditate on what is important in your life; what impact you want to have within your family, community or in the world. What do you want your legacy to look like? Scratch ideas and thoughts down on a piece of paper. Revisit it often and you will see, sooner than you think, you will have a breakthrough, and a deep belonging to YOUR purpose will arise.

Who are you fighting for?

This one came late in my life. For many years, I just worked hard serving my country, Switzerland. At that time, it was what I was fighting for. But, after two decades of doing this work, I found out that this fight was not worth it anymore. I wanted to do more with my life. I wanted to have more of an impact in life. I wanted to wake up every morning and know that whatever project I was working on, it was about serving people. I fight for youth because they are our future. I raised myself alone; I didn’t have much support. I wished I had a coach, a mentor or someone to show me the way. Today, I want to be that person for them. I want to serve and fight for them.

So, who are you fighting for every day? Is it your spouse, your kids, family, friends, community? What reason you have the grit and the determination to take challenges head-on and fight hard?

Final words

My North Star consists of three things: a clear set of values that guide me in any decision; a true purpose that is much bigger than myself; and someone or a group of people I want to fight for. Anytime I feel down, not motivated or disappointed, I think about my North Star. Now, what is your North Star made of? How do you define it? What does it look like?

P.S.: Hey guys, Hubert here!

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