YourHPcoach - Hubert Pilloud - Executive Coach

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Reflection and gratefulness

The end of a year is the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is the time people envision a new start or new projects. We look at the future with hope and faith. We hope will become happier, more joyful, and enthusiastic about life. We may plan to get on a new diet, exercise, or maybe start a new sport. We plan to be more successful, get more money, and maybe get a promotion. All that is wonderful and important. Having a vision, goals, and ambitions are crucial if we want to evolve, grow as a person and contribute more in this world.

But why does it only at the end of the year? What about looking at it every month, every week, every day, and reflect on all the good things that have happened in our life. Why not look at all the joyful moments and successes we had in life. Too often we forget to be grateful for what we have and just wish for more in the future. Being grateful and thankful in life is a game-changer. Perspective shifts, emotions, and feelings change.

In this blog, I will share with you 5 Ways to Practice Gratitude that I personally use to go through the day, the month, the year… The Life…

1.    5 important events in your life

Look back on your life as far as you can remember. Select 5 crucial moments, 5 events that had an impact on your life. It could be the day you were able to ride your bicycle without the training wheels (yes.. do you remember those!). Remember the feeling you had. Maybe it was when you got your driver’s license, graduated from a school, got married, gave birth, or witness the birth of a child. Maybe it is the people you met that had a huge impact on your life, your mentor, your coach, the person who believed in you and helped you to progress in life.

After writing these events down, close your eyes and invasion them again; get the feeling and sensation of that precious moment. Feel them from your heart.

2.   5 challenges in your life you overcame

Think about 5 challenges you encountered in your life that you thought you could’’t overcome but you did. Maybe you were challenged to graduate from school, maybe you didn’t believe you could get healthier or lose weight; the promotion that you thought you would never get; the fear and the uncertainty you faced but overcame. It is important to notice those moments. They will show you how capable, resilient, and dedicated you were. Close your eyes, feel the energy, and feel how strong you were. Notice how brave, bold and courageous you were. You are still all of that! Those qualities are part of you in the present and the future. Feel them!

3.   5 moments you are grateful for this years

I know this year was tough for many of us. We had to be creative and find new ways to do business. But look at how much you have learned. Think about 5 moments or 5 things that have happened this year that you are grateful for. Maybe you learned a new skill or improved upon an existing one. Maybe you have connected with new people or got more deeply involved in your community. Look at the support you have received from others. Notice those moments; write them down and feel them.

4.   5 people you are grateful for meeting this year

Every year, I reflect on the new people I have met who have had an impact on my life. I select 5 of them and journal about the blessing to have them in my life, even if only for a short time. I send them a postcard or write them a letter of thanks. I want them to know that they had an impact on my life and I want to show them my gratitude. Select 5 people and commit to writing to them, not a text or email, but handwritten. Yes, old school. This will have a ripple effect on their life and yours.

5.   5 things I am grateful for every day.

Every morning I make time to journal. I write 5 things I am grateful for in life. It could be the gift of my health, having a roof over my head, the flowers in my garden, or the coffee I am drinking. Expressing daily gratitude will empower you and as well set up your mind for more positive experiences during the day. You want to feed your brain with good energy “food”. At the end of the day, I do the same but write the 5 things I am grateful for that happened during the day. Try it and you will see how more relaxed and peaceful you will be, especially when you went through a tough day. It is good medicine for a good night of sleep!

Final words

I really encourage you to reserve some time for this practice and go through those 5 Ways to Practice Gratitude. You don’t have to do it all at once. Spread your time over a few days if needed. Better, do this exercise with your friends or family members. Share your experiences and your feelings. Use this moment to not only connect with your awesome True-Self but with others. Cheer them up, recognize their successes, value and appreciate them. Create one of the memorable moments of the year. When you do this exercise, pay attention to your feelings and emotions; notice other’s feelings and emotions. Have an open heart, be companionate and empathic. Call someone with whom you haven’t connected for a while and share your gratitude.

Revisit what you wrote in a few weeks or months. Read them and maybe add new ones. Keep a daily gratitude practice; it will change your life!


P.S.: Hey guys, Hubert here!

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